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Marine estate management strategy

Published 24 February 2023

The NSW Marine Estate Management Strategy 2018 - 2028 (PDF, 12612.84 KB) outlines how to protect and enhance our waterways, coastline and estuaries over the next ten years.

Actions in the Strategy have been determined by:

  • the range of values people have for the marine estate – social, cultural, environmental and economic
  • how to tackle the most significant threats to these values (identified in the statewide Threat and Risk Assessment)
  • widespread stakeholder and community feedback.

The Strategy guides how everyone can work together for a better marine estate now and into the future.

Delivering outcomes

The Strategy delivers outcomes through the following initiatives:

  1. Improving water quality and reducing litter
  2. Delivering healthy coastal habitats with sustainable use and development
  3. Planning for climate change
  4. Protecting the Aboriginal cultural values of the marine estate
  5. Reducing impacts on threatened and protected species
  6. Ensuring sustainable fishing and aquaculture
  7. Enabling safe and sustainable boating
  8. Enhancing social, cultural and economic benefits
  9. Delivering effective governance

The Strategy snapshot (PDF, 1487.09 KB) provides a summary of the initiatives and key actions.

What's happening now?

The Marine Estate Management Authority is:

  • working with stakeholders and the NSW community to put the Strategy into action
  • monitoring how effective the Strategy is in delivering the outcomes
  • providing regular updates on the progress of actions.

Other reforms

The Strategy links with other NSW Government processes. These include:

More information

Want to know more? Go to the Strategy materials page for more information.