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Sea Country rangers

Published 26 June 2024 Work with Aboriginal communities to design and deliver a caring for Sea Country ranger model and activities across the marine estate.


Why is this project important?

The Sea Country rangers project will increase the participation of Aboriginal people in the management and care of Sea Country.

These activities include marine debris removal, rehabilitation and regeneration of coastal and marine habitats, and monitoring and responding to sea bird and other marine wildlife events, such as whale and dolphin strandings.

What are we doing?

The project provides training programs in coastal Aboriginal communities to develop local Aboriginal people’s capacity in land and sea management.

Many Aboriginal community members are undertaking the general NSW boat licence certification and sea safety training.

Some are undertaking Certificate II in Maritime Operations certification and coxswain qualifications.

The involvement of Aboriginal people in effective land and Sea Country management will protect Aboriginal cultural values. It will also increase Aboriginal participation in decision making about the marine estate.

The project respects Aboriginal traditional knowledge, connection to Country and aligns with scientific conservation methods to create a win-win for the environment, and the wellbeing of Aboriginal communities and the general public.



Local government areas - Statewide

Lead agency

DPIRD Fisheries


  • Native Title Prescribed Body Corporates
  • Local Aboriginal Land Councils and Corporations
  • Local Land Services
  • National Parks and Wildlife Service
  • Local Environmental and Conservation Groups

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