A NSW Government website - NSW Marine Estate

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Marine Estate Management Authority

Published 24 June 2022

The Marine Estate Management Authority advises the NSW Government on the management of the NSW marine estate.

The Authority brings together the heads of the NSW Government agencies with key marine estate responsibilities.

Our vision

A healthy coast and sea, managed for the greatest well-being of the community, now and into the future.

Our role

Ensure that policies and programs address priority issues, are well coordinated, efficient, evidence based and result in positive outcomes.

Our functions

The Authority's key functions under the Marine Estate Management Act 2014 include undertaking threat and risk assessments, developing management strategies, promoting collaboration between public authorities and fostering consultation with the community.

Our principles

1effective community engagement to identify and prioritise benefits and threats
2values will be assigned to enable trade-off decisions between alternative users of the marine estate
3best available information will be used in trade-off decisions, but judgement will still be required
4the wellbeing of future generations will be considered
5existing access arrangements will be respected
6the precautionary principle will be applied
7efficient and cost-effective management to achieve community outcomes
8management decisions will be transparent and adjust in response to new information
9management performance will be measured, monitored and reported and information pursued to fill critical knowledge gaps