Safe & sustainable boating
Our Safe & sustainable boating projects
Environmentally friendly moorings
Establish a performance-based standard for Environmentally Friendly Moorings (EFM) and review policy and regulatory options for improving adoption and maintenance of EFM.
Mooring strategy
Review and modernise the strategy for mooring management and administration to improve access to moorings.
Mooring access
Optimising mooring density in mooring fields to better meet demand.
End-of-life vessel management
Develop options to manage vessels that are reaching or have reached the end of their useful life to mitigate potential environmental risks and enhance access to moorings.
Vessel environmental standards
Continue to enforce environmental standards and regulations among domestic commercial vessels and recreational vessels.
Review of offshore anchoring
Review and investigate the effects of large commercial shipping vessel anchoring within the Greater Sydney region.
Vessel monitoring
Analysing data in shipping movements and interactions with threatened and protected species to identify knowledge gaps.
Boating Now
Working with partners in the Boating Now grants program to improve environmentally sustainable access to the marine estate and manage conflicting uses.
Maritime infrastructure
Working collaboratively with key stakeholders to invest in maritime infrastructure as part of the Maritime Infrastructure Plan 2019–2024.