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Marine estate education strategy

Published 27 June 2024 Implementing the NSW Marine Estate Education Strategy and curriculum-based schools package.
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What is the NSW marine estate?

The NSW marine estate includes almost a million hectares of tidal rivers, coastal lakes and wetlands, estuaries and their shorelines, offshore islands, and the ocean along the NSW coast.

Why is it important to learn about the NSW marine estate

The NSW marine estate is important to our way of life, our culture and our identity. It’s important to learn more about it to make sure it remains healthy for future generations.

What strategy is being used for education about the NSW marine estate?

The NSW Marine Estate Education Strategy (Education Strategy) aims to coordinate, develop and deliver marine education programs. It will serve as a guide on how we share knowledge and encourage respect and custodianship of the marine estate.

What will the NSW Marine Estate Education Strategy do?

The Education Strategy will:

  • promote understanding of the richness and uniqueness of the marine estate
  • provide the tools to become active custodians of the marine estate
  • improve understanding, appreciation and respect for the different users of the marine estate
  • promote the benefits of connecting with nature
  • improve coordination, collaboration and efficiency in delivering education programs.

We will continue to work with stakeholders, Aboriginal people and the community to deliver the Education Strategy and link with existing programs in the Marine Estate Management Strategy.

What is the Marine Estate Agents Program?

The Marine Estate Agents is tailored for Stages 1-3 (Years 1-6), it aligns with NSW syllabus subjects Human Society and its Environment (Geography) and Science, addressing cross-curriculum priorities such as Sustainability and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Cultures and Histories.

Throughout the Marine Estate Agents program students will journey through world-class coastal environments, build values, attitudes, and skills to help improve the health of the marine environment.

How do I access the Marine Estate Agent Primary Schools Program?

The Marine Estate Agents program resources are available here.

Marine Estate Education Working Group

The Working Group was established in July 2024. The Working Group will use their experience, knowledge, skills and networks to develop advice to be provided to the Marine Estate Education and Stakeholder Liaison Team on how best to implement the Marine Estate Education Strategy.

Specifically, the Working Group will provide advice on how best to:

  • Support Local Governments with the development and implementation of community education and engagement, specific to marine estate benefits and threats, as outlined in the MEMS.
  • Support Local Government to develop engagement and education activities outlined in their Coastal Management Programs (CMP).
  • Leverage existing and emerging engagement and education programs centred on the marine estate.
  • Ensure the avoidance of duplication of efforts by alerting the group to possible programs, projects or initiatives being undertaken by representative organisations across NSW.
  • Develop new marine estate education and engagement programs, to be implemented by representative organisations, where appropriate and mutually beneficial, that are aligned with MEES objectives for the benefit of NSW communities.

The Marine Estate Education and Stakeholder Liaison Team will use the advice from the Working Group to inform its work as and when appropriate.

For more information, see the Terms of Reference. (PDF, 125.62 KB)



Local government areas - Statewide

Lead agency

Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development


    NSW Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (NSW DCCEEW)

    Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure - planning

  • Transport for NSW

We will continue to work with stakeholders, Aboriginal people and the community to deliver the Education Strategy and link with existing programs in the Marine Estate Management Strategy.

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