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Eat more NSW seafood

Published 27 June 2024 The Eat More NSW Seafood grants program provides seafood businesses with resources to help promote their produce and get more local seafood on plates in NSW.
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The NSW Government in partnership with the NSW Seafood Industry Council wants to increase the economic and social values of the NSW seafood industry.

The Eat More NSW Seafood Program 2023 aims to build community support for NSW commercial fishing and aquaculture and foster greater community awareness and support the NSW seafood industry.

The program is an important way the NSW Government can support the NSW seafood industry, which has been impacted by the COVID-19 and subsequent international trade issues.

The program is supported by the Marine Estate Management Strategy (MEMS) and is designed to build marketing and promotion capability within seafood businesses through small-scale and large-scale grants and promote the consumption of NSW seafood.

The program is open to owners of a registered seafood business in NSW, NSW commercial fishing licence holders, and NSW fishing business owners, holders of an aquaculture permit in NSW, and seafood industry associations or like-seafood industry entities whose members meet one of the above criteria, and may be delivered in partnership with other producers, retailers and/or marketing/promotional companies.

The Eat More NSW Seafood 2023 grants program includes:

  • small-scale grants (less than $10,000 excluding GST) and
  • large-scale grants ($10,000 to $100,000 excluding GST).

The program aims to:

  • increase consumers’ awareness of seafood and the health benefits of its consumption
  • educate consumers and the general community about the importance of sustainable fishing and aquaculture, and how they can help achieve this through the choices they make when they purchase seafood.

How does the program work?

The strategic objectives of the program are to:

  • promote the sustainability and quality of NSW seafood
  • promote the health benefits of seafood consumption
  • increase consumer purchasing options across a broader range of seafood products
  • educate consumers and the community about the important of sustainable fishing and aquaculture, and how they can help achieve this through their seafood purchasing choices
  • increase awareness of the economic contribution made by NSW seafood production to local and regional communities
  • build support for NSW commercial fishing and aquaculture.

What has the Eat More Seafood Program achieved?

In 2021, the Eat More NSW Seafood Program saw 11 NSW seafood businesses net a share of the $500,000 to fund projects.

The projects ranged in size from a local seafood recipe book to seafood festivals throughout NSW, and an initiative to increase the understanding of sustainable practice of seafood in NSW schools.


NSW state-wide

Local government areas - Statewide

Lead agency

Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development Fisheries


We are working in partnership with the NSW Commercial Fishing Industry, NSW Aquaculture Industry and NSW Seafood Industry. The program is administered by the NSW Seafood Industry Council.

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